
My day continues!

So here's a continuation from my last blog, to finish adding the pictures that I took yesterday.

This is Aly's mom's youngest sister, Marie. She came here to help with the cooking:

Marie's little daughter M'ma is named after Aly's grandmother:

Here is Fanta stirring our rices, with Marie working on some fish behind her:

Here's all our pots cooking away:

We went to see a little ballet rehearsal yesterday in Kipe:

Warming up:

And here's our afternoon drum teacher, Yamoussa "Yahdi" Camara:

And, Finalement, I've finally gotten another video to upload!!! I've only been sitting here for about three hours trying to get this little file uploaded!!! This shot is of Mabinty Sano doing a solo at Sorrel's dundunba on Monday. Unfortunately, the official videographer is standing in front of me and takes up a bunch of the shot. I couldn't extricate myself from the children in my lap to go around him, but I did try to move the camera around enough to get most everything.


  1. Love my Little Sister XOXO!!!
    I'm coming very soon!!

  2. I would love to be here at the same time as you! I am going to a dundunba today where Ballaket is Parain, and Merveilles is doing a spectacle for us on Sunday, so I will try to get some good video posted for you!
