
Mornings in Conakry

I realized that thus far I've been remiss in not posting anything at all about food, so going forward I'm going to start taking more pictures of the food we eat so that I can share that as well. In the meantime, I took some pictures of breakfast this morning and of folks getting ready for the day...

Here is Bountou with her morning coffee a la hot chocolate:

And this is some of the items on our table - ChocoAmigo chocolate milk mix, Jolly Cow sweetened condensed milk, and the ever-present Nescafe!

Here's some of the other things on our table - a bucket of butter and Bama mayonnaise, which I'm told is the best there is...

 and BREAD. I believe this is the most positive outcome of French colonization - one can find great French bread on every corner and in between -

 And this chicken dish is wonderful - Aly's mom prepares rice and sauce for us for lunch, and then a platter of something for dinner - this version is pieces of chicken with peas and carrots and potatoes. A little spicy, and very very yummy - eaten with more of that French bread above!

There goes Papis with his morning cleaning ritual, everything must be just so. I think my boss Laynne would be very fond of Papis :)

And Fanta is outside washing clothes

Here is Fanta's little daughter Suke, who is still a bit squeamish with me, yet for some reason prefers me to Aly!! I think it is a very fine line though. She was singing with me yesterday, but today she was again unhappy to see me until I gave her the chicken that she is eating in this picture!

Oh, surprise, another drummer...

And Fanta already scrubbed our shoes this morning - i find this task very interesting. Seems like shoes are being washed all day, and then as soon as you put them on they are dusty and red and need to be washed again!

Here is Ballaket getting ready for the day

And Khanaset wanted his picture while clapping and singing!

Back to the table - we have oranges and bananas. Oranges are served peeled with the tops cut off, and then you suck all of the juice out the top. Peeling oranges is an industry unto itself here, and you see girls peeling them everywhere you go here.

So the security guard's wife picked some Avocados this morning from somewhere behind the house. They are incredible, like butter in your mouth. Here they eat them mixed with milk and sugar, but I like them plain, just sliced. So I ate one half and made this beautiful sandwich with the other half!!!

Pepper sauce!!!! Need I say more?


  1. mmmm, this could turn into a food blog. I'm getting hungry. Feel free to post recipes, too! :-)
    I like the photo with all the colorful shoes lined up at the wall.

  2. I will definitely post more food pictures! The recipes, though, require me to take information from here and try it in my own kitchen with measuring cups and such, because they don't use those when they cook, so it is a little more involved. I am going to try to finish documenting my peanut butter chicken recipe though, with the pictures I took at Amy's house last summer!
